Column: Celebrating Earth Day in the Constituency


Categories: News

With the clocks going forward and the lighter nights upon us, April signals the opportunity to take advantage of the outdoors, as the season sees local woodlands and greenspace filled once again with flowers and wildlife. Whether taking part in outdoor activity or a simple walk, being active in nature supports our mental and physical well-being and can be enjoyed by all. 

I also recognise the importance of safeguarding the natural environment for the community and how the climate emergency continues to affect us all.

This month marks Earth Day on the 22nd of April. There are many positive movements across our local area that aim to promote a greener, more sustainable environment for communities and future generations. From Golden Orchard fruit tree planting for produce growth in Balbirnie Park to community litter picking in Milton of Balgonie, it’s heartening to see shared responsibility in protecting the local environment and lending a hand in climate action.

In addition, we have seen real progress with restoration projects across the constituency, notably recent investment into restoring the natural course of the Glenrothes’ Back Burn from the Lomond Hills. The project is set to receive £850,000 of Scottish Government funding through SEPA, which in effect will enhance biodiversity, reduce flood risk, and improve local resilience to climate change. The funding is in addition to £8.5m towards the River Leven Regeneration Programme, with a view to reconnect people and improve environmental quality. The waterways are a key part of the local landscape, and I’m pleased this funding will deliver real, positive change in connecting local communities, enhancing opportunities, and providing a public place to spend quality time. On another note, Glenrothes’ Riverside Park is set to undergo regeneration works to restore the quality of the park. Measures to improve pollution and sustainability of the pond are well underway, and we can expect to see improved accessibility as works begin on footpaths, signage and cycling tracks in the coming months. 

Earth Day encourages us all to raise awareness of the need to protect our natural resources for future generations – getting out and about this Spring in our local area is a great way to celebrate our local green spaces. 

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