COLUMN: On track for change in 2024


Categories: News

As we settle into the first weeks of 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours all the very best for the new year. From next week, my Annual Report will be delivered to every household in Mid Fife and Glenrothes. The Annual Report is an opportunity for all MSPs to highlight their constituency engagements and campaigns. My annual report is a chance to reflect on what has been a busy and productive year. I hope it provides a helpful snapshot of my work on your behalf over the past year. 

Next week, my constituency team and I will be taking part in the Samaritan’s Brew Monday campaign, which encourages everyone to reach out for a cuppa and a catch-up with the people they care about. The Samaritans stress that there is no such thing as Blue Monday and people can struggle any day of the year. However, January can be a difficult time of year for many of us, and it’s always worth checking in with friends, family and colleagues. 

2023 was another challenging year, and many of these challenges will continue into the New Year. Supporting constituents remains my top priority, and my constituency team and I are ready to assist with a wide range of problems.  I will shortly be publishing details of my upcoming constituent advice surgeries online, and you can also contact my office on 01592 764815 for details. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need my help or support regarding any matter.  

2024 is set to be an exciting year for Mid Fife and Glenrothes, with the arrival of the long-awaited Levenmouth Rail Link. For the first time in 50 years, Leven will be connected to the railway network and local people will once again have access to direct trains to Edinburgh. I have been campaigning for the return of the rail link for many years, and its success is in no small part down to the tireless work of our local community groups. Levenmouth is currently the largest urban area in Scotland unserved by direct rail link, and this Scottish Government investment will deliver real and lasting change for the people of Levenmouth and to future generations yet to come. This year I’m most looking forward to catching the first train from Leven to Edinburgh – it will be truly transformational for our area. 

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