Jenny Gilruth MSP’s column in the Glenrothes Gazette – 30/06/2021 – 06/07/2021


Categories: Charity, Community, Local Business, Press, Sport

Jenny Gilruth MSP’s column in the Glenrothes Gazette – 30/06/2021 – 06/07/2021

Published date : 30 Jun 2021

I’d like to start my first post-election column by saying thank you to the voters who put their trust in me again to represent the Mid Fife and Glenrothes constituency. I have been honoured to represent you in Holyrood for the last five years. Thank you for placing your trust in me for another term – I will not let you down.

The SNP won the election with 47.7% of the constituency vote— 1,291,204 total votes—and 40.3% of the regional vote. The result was a resounding endorsement of the SNP’s strong record in government and the leadership of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

The First Minister got back to work immediately to lead the country’s Covid recovery and has pledged to offer the country a choice of a better future in a second independence referendum when the time is right.

It was a privilege to be asked by the First Minister to take on an increased ministerial portfolio in the new Scottish Government. As Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development, I called on the Tories in Westminster to make a series of urgent changes to their EU Settlement Scheme, and to extend the 30 June deadline, to address my concerns that many EU citizens are at risk of losing their rights here. At the time of writing, I’m deeply disappointed that the Tory Government have ignored those calls.

I got straight back to work in the constituency after the election by resuming my twice-weekly telephone advice surgeries. I’ve also been pleased to restart some socially distanced constituency visits.

These have included officially opening the new Love Oliver charity shop in the Kingdom Centre; meeting with Glenrothes FC’s Chairman at Warout Stadium after helping the club to secure a £1,000 Arnold Clark Community Fund grant; and visiting Cadham Pharmacy Health Centre to learn more about their latest collaboration with Kirkcaldy firm MedPoint, the UK’s first producer of dispensing robot technology.

Whilst Scotland’s fight back against Covid continues and further easing of restrictions anticipated in July and August, my priority as your constituency MSP is to continue to help local people, families and businesses through the pandemic.

As the school holidays begin this week, I wish all parents, carers and young people in Mid Fife and Glenrothes a safe and enjoyable summer. I’m pleased that Fife Council is working the Scottish Government and other organisations to give our children a range of opportunities to get out, get active, get fed, get reconnected, and get any support they need this summer. This includes a payment of £11.50 per week for children who receive Free School Meals. More information is available at

The Scottish Parliament is now in recess for the summer, but constituents who need my help or advice on Covid or any other issue can continue to contact me by email to, by calling my constituency office on 01592 764815 or by writing to me at 12 Commercial Street, Markinch, Fife, KY7 6DE.


Local Reporters, Glenrothes Gazette, COMMUNITY, CHARITIES, LOCAL BUSINESS, SPORT

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