
Categories: Community, Press


Published date : 04 Feb 2019


Fife MSP, Jenny Gilruth, this week (Thursday) welcomed Fife’s Pink Saltire to the Scottish Parliament, to mark the start of LGBT History month. The MSP hosted a parliamentary reception with a range of speakers including Scottish Government Equalities Minister, Christina McKelvie MSP, Colin McFarlane Director of Stonewall Scotland and Stuart Duffy, the founder of Pink Saltire. Commenting after the reception, Jenny Gilruth MSP said:

‘The Scottish Parliament has a proud history of promoting LGBT rights – from the Equal Marriage Act in 2014, to adopting Inclusive Education in our schools to pardoning men simply for who they loved – Holyrood has made a real difference and one that I am proud of.

That being said, we should never rest on our laurels. LGBT history month is an important reminder of a time when equal rights were not a guarantee. It should galvanise us all to work to ensure that equality for the LGBT community remains at the top of the political agenda – to create a Scotland which truly values all of its people’.

The parliamentary reception included a Timeline of LGBT history, which has travelled around Scotland over the past year and has been viewed by over 5,000 people.

Discussing the event, Stuart Duffy, founder of Pink Saltire said –

“We’re delighted to showcase some of the work we do across Scotland to champion LGBT+ voices at this event in Parliament.

Jenny has been a strong advocate for LGBT rights for many years and has been a fantastic support for Pink Saltire since she was elected to Parliament in 2016.

We are especially excited to bring our LGBT Heritage Timeline exhibition to Parliament, the most detailed LGBT timeline created here in Scotland, demonstrating some of the most important steps in Scotland’s journey towards true equality for LGBT+ people’.

LGBT history month is celebrated every year in February. This year the theme is ‘Catalyst: 50 years of Activism’, marking 50 years since the Stonewall Riots, which sparked the start of the equal rights movement for LGBT people around the world.

Local Reporters, East Fife Mail, Glenrothes Gazette, Courier (Fife), COMMUNITY

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