
Categories: Local Business, Press


Published date : 26 Oct 2018


Glenrothes town centre owners, Mars Pensions Trustees, yesterday failed to attend to a public meeting hosted by the town’s MSP, Jenny Gilruth, on the future of the Kingdom Centre.

Ms Gilruth was hosting a visit from the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Transport Infrastructure and Connectivity, Michael Matheson MSP, and led a question and answer session with members of the public.

Commenting after the visit, Jenny Gilruth MSP said:

‘I was absolutely delighted to welcome the Cabinet Secretary to my constituency to discuss the challenges faced by Glenrothes Town Centre. This was an extremely useful opportunity for local people to voice their concerns and I was pleased to see attendance from Fife Council officials, additionally’.

Michael Matheson MSP, whose portfolio includes town centres, set out the vision of the Scottish Government to drive investment in town centres across the country. He said:

‘The Scottish Government established Scotland’s Town Partnership in 2014 to look at issues in our town centres – such as those faced Glenrothes.

One of the key components of that work is the need for a clear vision – that has to be formed around what the local community wants and needs.

The growth in online sales is impacting on High Streets and town centres all over the country, which has undoubtedly created problems for town centres.

That is something we as a Government need to address – what can we do to assist – building on the positives of town centres, bringing open spaces alive, working in partnership with local authorities and stakeholders’.

The visit, organised by Jenny Gilruth MSP, was also a good opportunity for the Cabinet Secretary to meet with members of Glenrothes Area Residents Forum, at their Kingdom Centre base. The MSP, however, raised her fears over town centre owners, Mars Pensions Trustees, who failed to attend. Commenting after the event she said:

‘Whilst today’s visit presented a real opportunity to move our discussions on improving the town centre on, I am concerned that neither Mars Incorporated, nor their managing agents Lang La Salle sent a representative.

This sends a strong message to the people of Glenrothes. We need Partnership working to improve the Kingdom Centre – that can only happen with Mars and La Salle’s involvement.

I am hugely disappointed that neither organisation deemed today’s meeting worthy of their time or contributions. Glenrothes deserves better.’

The Cabinet Secretary concluded his remarks to the public meeting by confirming that Scottish Government officials will engage with local stakeholders as Partnership working is ‘critical’ to the Government’s work on town centres.


Local Reporters, Glenrothes Gazette, Courier (Fife), LOCAL BUSINESS

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