Published date : 13 Jul 2018
Glenrothes Men’s Shed was officially opened this week by the town’s MSP, Jenny Gilruth.
The opening on Wednesday 11th July brought together over 60 members of the local community, with groups such as the Lommond Centre, YMCA, SAMH, Age Concern and Auchmuty High School all in attendance.
The new shed has been supported with funding from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland, the Robertson Trust, Community Chest and Community Fund assisted by Community Enterprise.
The former Scout Hall, where the Shed is located, has been extensively renovated and transformed into a fitting home for the new organisation.
Commenting after the opening, Jenny Gilruth MSP said:
“It was an absolute pleasure to officially open the Glenrothes Men’s Shed this week during our town’s 70th anniversary.
“Those involved with the shed have already made a positive impact on the local community with the amazing transformation of the former Scout Hall – those involved should be extremely proud of their efforts.
“Across Scotland, Men’s Sheds have helped to bring people together, tackling loneliness and encouraging skill sharing to the benefit of the surrounding area.
“I am delighted the group now have a permanent home in Glenrothes and I look forward to working with its members in the future.”
Glenrothes Men’s Shed member, John McElroy added:
“It’s was great to see our local MSP, Jenny Gilruth, taking the time to officially open the Glenrothes Men’s Shed this week.
“We’ve received an immense amount of support from various funding initiatives, trusts, and members of the local community to get to this stage.
“The purpose of Glenrothes Mens Shed is to be accessible primarily but not exclusively to men, 18 or over, providing a safe, friendly environment where they are able to socialise and work on meaningful hobbies and projects at their own pace in their own time.”
With members’ interests at the Shed currently ranging from woodwork, gardening, cooking, board games or simply a cup of tea and a chat, the group are looking for new members to come along and make use of the fantastic new facilities.
Opening hours are:
• Monday 10am – 1pm
• Tuesday 1pm – 4pm
• Thursday 10am – 1pm
The Shed is in Poplar Road, KY7 4AA just behind Target Tyres on Woodside Road.
Opening times will expand as the membership grows.
Notes Jenny pictured with members of the Shed, names in description.
Local Reporters, East Fife Mail, Glenrothes Gazette, Courier (Fife), COMMUNITY