
Categories: Environment, Press


Published date : 04 Oct 2017


Mid Fife & Glenrothes MSP Jenny Gilruth has welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement that fracking will be banned.

The Scottish Government previously announced a moratorium while it ran a public consultation and examined evidence over health and public safety.

The consultation was the second largest ever run by the Scottish Government, receiving 60,535 valid responses – of which 99% were opposed to fracking.

Commenting, Ms Gilruth said:

“People in Mid Fife & Glenrothes and across Scotland had deep concerns about the development of fracking, which is why the Scottish Government put in place a moratorium while the evidence was carefully examined.

“The Scottish Government has now undertaken one of the most far reaching investigations into unconventional oil and gas of any government in the world.

“The judgement is now clear – we could not pursue fracking in confidence that it would not undermine public health or our climate change targets.

“I’m delighted that the Scottish Government are putting the interests of communities first.”



Friends of the Earth Scotland head of campaigns Mary Church said: “This is a victory for the environment and for local communities fighting fracking.

“The Scottish Government’s decision today to ban fracking will be warmly welcomed across the country and around the world.

“This is a huge win for the anti-fracking movement, particularly for those on the frontline of this dirty industry here in Scotland, who have been working for a ban these last six years.

“Having put a moratorium in place more than two years ago, evaluated the evidence and consulted the people of Scotland, the Scottish Government has reached the right and sensible conclusion that the fracking industry must be banned to avoid potentially devastating impacts to people’s health, the climate and our natural environment.”

Dr Sam Gardner, acting director of WWF Scotland, said:

“It’s excellent news the Scottish Government has listened to the thousands of people, campaigners, and politicians across the country who have been calling for a permanent ban to fracking.

“The climate science is clear. The vast majority of fossil fuel reserves need to be left in the ground. It’s fantastic Scottish Ministers agree that we need to start placing them off limits.”


Local Reporters, East Fife Mail, ENVIRONMENT

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