Local MSP raises £860 for Kennoway Community Shed


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Mid Fife and Glenrothes MSP Jenny Gilruth has raised £860 for the Kennoway Community Shed after walking just over 25km in one day in October.

The money raised will go directly to the Kennoway Community Shed in Kennoway.

The constituency MSP was joined by members of her constituency team on the six hour 25km walk, starting at Auchmuirbridge, then going through Leslie, Glenrothes, Markinch, Kennoway, Leven, Lundin Links and Lower Largo.

The MSP, who raises money for a local charity through a fundraising event every year, chose the Kennoway Community Shed as the recipient of this year’s efforts after witnessing the fantastic work which they carry out within the community on recent visits and surgeries to the local hub.

During this current cost of living crisis, organisations like the Community Shed provide vital support to vulnerable members of the local community.

The fundraiser has raised £860 to date and there is still time to donate here: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jgmspkennowayshed.

Commenting, Ms Gilruth said:

“In my role as MSP, it is crucial to not only represent the communities within my constituency, but also to support them.

“I am delighted to have raised this amount of money for such an important community organisation – allowing Bob and the team at the Shed to continue making the crucial difference to local people’s lives that they have been doing for years.

“During the current cost of living crisis, local organisations like the Shed will play a vital role and I am pleased to be able to support them in this.”

Bob McPhail, Chairperson and Founder of the Kennoway Community Shed has said:

“I would like to wish a huge well done too all the group involved, for their amazing effort in the charity walk.

“Every pound that was raised goes back into local community projects in Kennoway.”

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